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překlad, Travis E., A Second Chance

Část 6 - Klub Plenek

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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in through the window behind my head. It was normally still pretty dark outside when we got up during the week, so the light reminded me that it was Saturday. For me, the weekend mainly meant that I’d be spending more time with the rest of the family, particularly Billy, who was my best friend in addition to being my brother. Of course, for all practical purposes, he was my only friend. With the exception of Matty, whom I had only met once, I didn’t even know any other boys—or girls for that matter—who were anywhere near my age.

Of course, I woke up to the unpleasant feeling of being restrained. It was neither painful nor particularly uncomfortable, but I still didn’t like it. I hated this stupid harness. Why did they have to put me in it? I knew they were doing it because they wanted to protect me, but there had to be another way to do it. I suddenly realized that this was the first home I had ever been tied up in. I had been hit, beaten, and verbally abused in countless homes, but never restrained. I had been locked up in a few closets before, but that wasn’t the same. I wondered what that meant. Did it mean they didn’t love me? What if my sleepwalking didn’t go away? Would I just be tied up in my crib every night from now on? I didn’t think I could take that. What if they decided they needed to take more drastic measures? I didn’t know what that might be, and I didn’t want to find out. They could eventually decide that my sleepwalking was a stunt for attention, and I was doing it on purpose. One or two of my foster families had decided that was the cause of my bedwetting. They put up with it for a while, but then they decided I just wanted attention, and then they started punishing me, which of course meant hurting me. I just hoped Mommy and Daddy didn’t decide that was the case with my sleepwalking. I knew they said they’d never hurt me or hit me, but that was before I started sleepwalking.

I lay there for the next several minutes. I wondered when someone was going to come get me up. I hoped it would be soon. I was getting pretty tired of just lying here unable to sit up or even move around. The time seemed to go by incredibly slowly as I lay there trying not to feel sorry for myself. I strained at the harness for a moment trying to free myself even though I knew it was a futile effort. I eventually started crying I got so upset with my predicament. I quietly lay there sniffling as tears streaked down the sides of my face. I couldn’t believe how miserable I was.

Finally, when I thought all hope was lost and that I’d be stuck in the stupid harness forever, I heard the door squeak open. I couldn’t see who came in at first, but a second later Celli appeared standing over my crib.

“Hi, baby,” she whispered quietly. “You want to get up?”

I just nodded vigorously.

She went over to my chest-of-drawers and pulled open the top drawer. She pulled out the little, red, magnetic key thingy and brought it over to the crib. Now, I knew where the key was kept, not that it would help me any. It may as well have been on the far side of the moon for all the good it did me. She unlocked my harness and picked me up out of the crib.

“Why are you crying, baby?” she asked me as she gave me a good morning hug.

“I hate that stupid harness,” I replied sobbingly.

“I know you do, baby,” she said. “But it’s for your own good.”

Having everyone telling me that all the time, as though it was supposed to make everything so much better, was beginning to get really annoying.

She reached around behind me and put her fingers inside my plastic pants to see how wet I was. She decided that I wasn’t in need of a change at the moment, so she got my glasses for me and carried me out of the room. Billy was still asleep, so we just left him there. She took me down the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. We went over to my highchair and she strapped me into it.

“Feel better, now, baby?” she asked as she put the tray in place.

“Uh huh,” I nodded

“Good,” she said as she bent over to give me a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Would you like a bottle of milk?”

“Yes, please,” I replied.

She went to the refrigerator and returned with a baby bottle of milk for me. She let me hold it by myself as she returned to the kitchen and began making coffee. She was still in her pajamas, which for her consisted of some very short, tight shorts and a loose-fitting blouse that had spaghetti shoulder straps. Andy wore pajama pants and a t-shirt to bed at night. Seeing my sister’s butt showing under her skimpy shorts reminded me of eating at Chick-Fil-A the other day.

“Celli?” I asked after sucking on my bottle for a little while.

“Yes, Baby?”

“Why do older boys wear diapers, but older girls don’t?” I asked.

“That’s easy,” she replied. “Boys just can’t control themselves as well. Girls just have better control over their bladder and bowels. That’s why all boys should be in diapers, because it’s really for their own good.”

“But I saw some boys at the Chick-Fil-A who didn’t have diapers on,” I said.

“I’m sure you did,” she replied. “A lot of people think that they have to potty train boys. They think everyone has to use the potty no matter what. Because of that, parents put themselves through a lot of extra grief trying to get their sons potty trained. The fact is boys are much harder to potty train, if they can be trained at all, and it takes much, much longer to potty train them than it does girls. Andy and I both took less than a week to be potty trained, whereas my friend Jackie’s little, six-year-old brother took nearly a year, and he still has accidents sometimes. I’d be willing to bet that just about all those boys you saw at Chick-Fil-A without diapers still had a lot of accidents.”

“So, then why do parents potty train their boys?” I asked.

“Society is just confused,” she said. “There’s this belief that everyone has to be potty trained by a certain age, and it’s really just not that simple. Boys aren’t supposed to be potty trained, which is why it’s so much harder to train them. When girls go through potty training it’s just another part of growing up, but with boys it becomes a very traumatic experience, one of the worst experiences of their lives. Do you remember your potty training?”

“No,” I shook my head.

“See? That’s because it was probably so traumatic that you blocked it out of your memory,” She explained. “Most people think that if they don’t potty train their boys they’re going to end up ostracized or rejected by society, or they’ll wind of with emotional problems, but that’s absolute hogwash. Just look at Kevin. He’s pretty normal, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he’s really cool,” I agreed.

“See?” she said. “There’s nothing wrong with older boys, even adult older boys being in diapers.”

“But why aren’t boys supposed to by potty trained?” I questioned further.

“They’re just not,” she said. “Boys are supposed to stay in diapers. That’s why all boys love diapers, because they’re supposed to be in them.”

“Have y’all really done scientific studies that say all boys like diapers, like Andy says?” I asked.

“Yep,” she said with an emphatic nod. “We’ve proved it. All boys love diapers.”

“How did you prove it?” I asked skeptically.

“Okay,” she said. “You’ve seen your brother changed and you’ve been changed a lot. Whenever you get your diapers changed your little pee-pee gets stiffer and bigger, right?”

“Uh huh,” I said. “That’s called an erection.”

“Oh, that’s right,” she replied. “Billy explained all that to you. Well, anyway, those happen when a boy likes something. Now, I’ve probably changed two dozen or more boys’ diapers—and that’s just older boys, not including little babies—and they always, without exception, get an erection during diapers changes. That must mean they love diapers, right?”

“Hmm,” I said mulling over that for a second. “I guess it does.”

“Of course it does,” she said. “Besides, even if boys didn’t like diapers, it would still be best to keep them all in them. Potty-trained boys are just much dirtier. I bet all of those undiapered boys you saw at Chick-Fil-A had horribly dirty bathrooms at home. Boys just cannot keep a bathroom clean. I once saw a study that showed that residential—that mean in homes—bathrooms had 45% more germs when boys used them regularly than bathrooms that were only used by girls. Do you know what 45% means?”

“No,” I admitted.

“That means nearly half. So, if a bathroom that was only used by girls had 100 germs, a bathroom that was used by girls and boys would have 145 germs. I haven’t found any research to support it, but I’d be willing to bet that a bathroom that has nothing but boys using it is at least twice as germ-ridden as a bathroom that only girls use. See? Boys are just dirtier, but it’s not your fault, you can’t help it.”

“But why are boys dirtier?” I asked next.

“It’s just one of those ways boys and girls are different,” she replied. “That’s why boys should stay in diapers because it keeps them and the area around them much cleaner. Jackie’s brother is horrible in the bathroom. She’s shown me where he’s always missing the toilet bowl and peeing on the edges of the bowl or on the floor. Yuck! I mean he’s your size for Goodness sake. His little pee-pee can’t be but a few inches above the toilet bowl, and he misses that big, huge opening on it. And he can’t seem to get his bottom wiped properly after he makes pooh-pooh. She’s shown me the inside of his underwear, and let me tell you, they’re disgusting. They have gross brown streaks in the seat from him not wiping enough or just not wiping at all after he poops. You probably had the same type of stains in your undies before you came here.”

I thought back for a minute and tried to remember my few measly pairs of underpants that I owned before I got here.

“Hmm,” I said. “I guess they were pretty bad, but mine also had pee stains on them from wetting the bed.”

“See, now, that’s something you can’t control,” she said, “But it’s also another reason why all boys should be in diapers. Many, many, many more boys wet the bed than girls, and they usually wet the bed longer than girls.”

“Hmm,” I said considering all this information further.

“So, you see, sweetie?” She concluded. “Boys just aren’t capable of controlling that part of their lives. They should all just remain in diapers and let their sisters or capable adults take care of cleaning them and changing them.”

“But, then, what if I decided I didn’t want to be a baby anymore?” I asked.

“Yeah, like that’s going to happen,” she said with a snorted laugh. “You absolutely love being a baby. Don’t try to deny it. I can tell. And, like I told you, even if you decided to be a big boy, Andy and I would figure out a way to make you want to be in diapers. Heck, we may not even give you a choice. You can be a big boy all you want, but you’re still wearing diapers.”

“But Mommy and Daddy said it was my choice,” I said.

“Sure, being a baby is,” she said. “But you really do need diapers. Andy and I would convince Mom and Dad to keep you in diapers whether you wanted to be a baby or not. And besides that, you’ve noticed there’s no toilet in you and Billy’s bathroom, so where would you go to the potty, anyway?”

I frowned at that. She did have a good point. I had asked Mommy about that one night this week when she was bathing us. She told me that they took the toilet out a couple years after Billy came here, since he never used it, and they needed the space to make room for the big tub.

“Well, I could go in one of the other bathrooms,” I said.

“No, no, no,” she said. “I don’t think so. You certainly can’t use Andy’s or my bathrooms. Those are girls-only toilets in there. And you probably couldn’t even get to one of the other bathrooms in time without having an accident. Remember, boys can’t really control themselves that well. Did you have a lot of accidents during the daytime before you came here?”

I had to think about that for a few seconds, but then I did remember having sporadic accidents over the years, for which I was almost inevitably spanked or beaten.

“Yeah,” I said sadly. “I guess I did have some.”

“See, baby?” she said. “We can’t have that in this house. That’s why all boys have to be in diapers here. But that’s really not a problem, since, like I said, all boys love diapers. So, now do you see why all boys should be in diapers?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” I said with a thin smile.

“Good baby,” she said. “One day, Andy and I are hoping that everyone will understand, and they’ll just stop bothering to potty train boys. The world will be a much better, happier place if that happens.”

“So, why doesn’t Jackie’s brother wear diapers if he still has accidents and he’s so dirty?” I asked.

“Well, like I said, most people just don’t understand,” she said with a frown and shake of her head. “Their mom just doesn’t understand that it would be better to keep him in diapers. Jackie and I have both tried to convince her—believe me, we have, but she still thinks dealing with accidents and yucky bathrooms and underwear is easier than dealing with diapers. Maybe next week I’ll see if Jackie will bring him over after school one day so you can meet both of them. Jackie will probably be babysitting you one of these day, anyway, so you should probably meet her.”

She got up from the table where she had been sitting in front of me drinking her cup of coffee. She took my empty bottle and her coffee mug to the sink and returned a moment later with a bottle of apple juice.

“Come on, stinker,” she said. “Let’s go watch cartoons until everyone else gets up. I guess everyone is sleeping a little late today since we were all out late last night.”

She unstrapped me from my highchair and picked me up. She carried me into the den and we sat down on the couch. She got me situated comfortably in her lap and she turned on the TV. We found some cartoons to watch and then I sat there as she held my bottle of juice to my mouth. As I sucked on it, I gave my bladder a little push and flooded my already wet diapers with more urine. As I wallowed in the renewed, comforting warms of my sopping diapers I thought how good it could be to be a baby.

About the time I finished my bottle Mommy came into the room.

“Good morning, you two,” she said. “Are you guys the only ones up?”

“Morning, Mom,” said Celli. “Yeah, we’re it.”

“Good morning, Mommy,” I said to her happily.

“Hi, sweetie,” she said.

She came over and picked me up out of Celli’s lap. She gave me a kiss and a hug.

“Did you have a good night with Kevin, last night?” she asked.

“Uh huh,” I said. “I like him. He’s really cool.”

“That’s good,” she said. “I’m glad you like him, because you’ll be spending a lot of time with him.”

“What do you mean?” I asked in confusion.

She carried my empty bottle and me to the kitchen with her.

“Well, you know we needed to find you a permanent tutor to do your home school for the next few months,” she said as she put my bottle in the sink and carried me over to my highchair again. “Kevin just started college, and he only goes in the afternoons, so he’s free a lot of the time, including every morning. He’s a very smart boy, so we decided to see if he wanted to be your teacher. Daddy called him earlier this week, and then we came up with the idea of him keeping you guys last night to see how you two get along. So, you liked him a lot?”

“Yeah,” I said. “He is really smart, and he’s nice. He also changes diapers really good.”

“Yes, he does,” agreed Mommy. “He’s been babysitting your brother for years, so he has lots of practice changing diapers.”

She went to the kitchen and began searching through the pantry.

“I think we’re just going to have oatmeal this morning, baby,” she told me, “Since we’re going to have a big lunch this afternoon.”

“Okay,” I replied.

“So, are you excited about meeting Matty’s brothers and sister this afternoon?” she asked me.

“Uh huh,” I replied.

“And don’t forget, you’re getting your new baby clothes, too,” she reminded me.

“I know,” I replied. “I can’t wait.”

She started making breakfast as I sat there quietly.

“Mommy?” I asked after a few minutes.

“Yes, baby?” she replied.

“Um,” I started cautiously. “Do I get to do Halloween this year?”

“Oh,” she said. “You know, I guess we forgot that was coming up. Of course you do, sweetie. We need to come up with a costume for you. Do you have any idea what you want to go as?”

“No,” I replied.

“Well, why don’t you be thinking about that, baby,” she said, “And this afternoon when Molly is here we can see what she can come up with in the next week. She’s making your brother’s costume, and she can usually get something put together pretty quickly.”

“Okay,” I nodded happily. That got me pretty excited. I had never had a Halloween costume. I’d have to think really hard about what I wanted to be. I hadn’t the slightest idea what to go as.

Right about then Daddy came into the room carrying Billy. Daddy was the only person who could still carry Billy around. Billy was kind of jealous of me for being so small that everyone could still carry me.

“Morning, everybody!” Billy announced happily.

“Good morning, baby,” Mommy told him. “Good morning, dear.”

“Morning, Honey,” Daddy said quietly but cheerfully.

Daddy carried Billy over to his highchair, which was next to mine. He got him into it and strapped him in. Before he was even in his highchair I could smell Billy’s stinky diapers, so Daddy apparently hadn’t changed him, yet.

“Good morning, Tadpole,” he greeted me as he strapped Billy into his highchair.

“Morning, Daddy,” I told him.

When Billy was strapped in, Daddy moved over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the head. He then went into the kitchen to help Mommy with breakfast. A few minutes later both the girls came into the kitchen. Andy said hi to everyone and she came over to give Billy and me our good morning kisses. Breakfast was ready just a few minutes later. Celli fed me my oatmeal and toast this morning while Andy fed Billy. After breakfast the girls took both of us babies upstairs to change our diapers. They decided to team up to get us changed faster this morning.

“Let’s diaper them up special for this afternoon,” Andy suggested as she set me down on the changed table and helped me lay down.

“Okay,” replied Celli. “How many do you think we should use?”

“How about six?” proposed Andy. “We want to impress the other diaper boys.”

“You think his plastic pants will fit over that many?” asked Celli

“We won’t know until we try,” replied Andy. “We know Billy’s do.”

I knew they were talking about putting six diapers on me. I thought four diapers was a pretty thick set, but six had to be ridiculously bulky. I didn’t think I’d even be able to walk in that many diapers. I wasn’t so sure that I wanted them putting that many diapers on me, but I was not in the least bit involved in the decision making process.

Celli proceeded to unlock my nighttime plastic pants and remove them. She unpinned my wet diapers and removed them. I noticed that I got kind of cold as I waited there while she put my diapers in the diaper pail. It was supposed to be pretty cool this weekend, and I could definitely tell the difference in the temperature in the nursery this morning compared to last night.

Celli and Andy pulled out a bunch of diapers and began to fold them up. Celli lifted my butt off the table and slid the first diaper under me. She pinned it on snugly while Andy both handed her diaper pins and folded up the other diapers at the same time. Five more times my butt was lifted and another diaper went under it. The first two were the smaller size ones Mommy bought for me, the second two were the bigger size, and the last two were actually two of Billy’s pre-fold diapers. She got all six diapers pinned very snugly around my lower half. I don’t know for sure, but it seemed like she must have used a hundred diaper pins on me. She then pulled out one of my pairs of plastic pants and held them up to me.

“There’s no way these are going to fit,” she announced as she held them over the front of my diapers.

“Nope, you’re right,” agreed Andy.

I thought that meant they’d have to thin out my diapers, but I was wrong.

“Use a pair of Billy’s pants,” said Andy

“Okay,” Celli said.

She got down on her knees to go through the plastic pants on their designated shelf. She finally came back up with a pair of printed plastic pants.

“Here we go,” she said. “We’ll put them in baby print pants today, since it’s a special occasion.”

She fed my legs through the pants and pulled them up. She lifted my butt once more and pulled the pants over my voluminous diapers. She got the leg holes of the pants tucked into my diapers to prevent leaks, and then she sat me up to adjust the top of my pants and made sure they covered my entire diapers. By the time she was done with that, Andy had retrieved my cast boot from on top of my chest-of-drawers. Celli strapped it onto my cast foot. She then gave me a kiss on the nose and picked me up. She stood me up on the floor. She then gave me a rather hard swat on my butt. My diapers were so thick that I couldn’t feel it at all, but it nearly knocked me off balance nonetheless.

She told me I could go, and then I walked around trying to get accustomed to my tremendously thick diapers. Of course, “walking” was an abject euphemism for the way in which I was forced to ambulate. My legs were forced so far apart by my diapers that I had to move with a horribly pronounced waddle, and the limp induced by the cast on my left leg only worsened my waddle. I waddled around for about fifteen feet before I lost my balance and fell. Thankfully, I fell flat on my butt, which was obviously amply padded. It didn’t hurt at all to fall on my rear end.

“Are you okay, baby?” Andy asked concernedly, having seen me go down.

“Uh huh,” I nodded.

I then had to try to get up. That turned out to be difficult. My legs were so restricted by my diapers that I couldn’t move them around too much, and I couldn’t use my arms to push myself up since they were stuck in their casts. I struggled for a few moments, but I just couldn’t do it.

“I can’t get up,” I finally whined in frustration.

“Here, baby, I’ll help you,” Andy said.

She came up behind me and put her hands under my armpits. She lifted me up and got me back on my feet.

“Now, just walk slowly, baby,” she cautioned me.

I nodded as I started to try to waddle around again. I made it another few feet before I once again lost my balance and fell on my butt.

“Uh oh,” Andy said from behind me. “You’re not getting around so well there, bubble butt.”

“These diapers are too thick,” I complained.

“Oh, you’ll be fine,” she assured me dismissively. “You just have to get used to them.”

I just sat there as Andy returned to help finish diapering Billy. I was able to get myself turned around as I sat there in the middle of the nursery. I watched quietly as the girls got Billy into a thick set of diapers. When he was diapered just as thickly as I was, he slid off the table wearing a pair of plastic pants over his diapers that was identical to mine. He stopped for a second as he stood there and looked down at his diapered lower half. He smiled in deep satisfaction as he rubbed the front of his diapered crotch for a second. He then waddled over in my direction. He walked with a much more pronounced waddled than usual, but he didn’t seem to have too much trouble getting around. I guess he had practice wearing such thick diapers. Of course, the diapers weren’t quite so thick on him, considering he was a lot bigger than me. He came over to me and plopped down on the floor next to me.

“I love diapers this thick,” he said with a fiendish gleam in his eyes.

“Calm down, diaper boy,” Andy told him.

She came over to me and stood me back up.

“You two, let’s go to the bathroom,” she told us. “Gotta get those pearly whites brushed.”

She let me waddle along by myself, but she stayed right behind me to catch me if I lost my balance again. The three of us went to the bathroom while Celli went to our dressers to get the two of us babies some clean t-shirts. With such thick diapers on, I was pretty sure there was no way any other type of clothes would fit on us. When we got to the bathroom, Andy picked me up and sat me on the counter. She got my toothbrush out and put toothpaste on it. Andy brushed my teeth while Billy brushed his own. A few minutes later we were ready to go. Andy picked me up and planted my heavily padded crotch on her hip. I couldn’t even feel the arm she had under my butt to hold me up. She carried me out of the room and we found Celli waiting in the nursery with t-shirts for Billy and me.

Andy set me down and I stood there while Celli pulled the white t-shirt I had slept in off and put me in a purple t-shirt with a “Barney” iron-on on the front of it. She put a red t-shirt on Billy that had a “Bob the Builder” Iron-on on it. Both t-shirts were baby t-shirts with the lap shoulders and snaps on the back of the neck. With such babyish t-shirts and our baby-printed plastic pants, Billy and I looked even more babyish than usual.

“Let’s go downstairs, babies,” Celli announced when she was done. “You two can play in the playpen and watch your cartoons while we help Mom and Dad get ready for this afternoon.”

She picked me up and we headed out of the room. Andy took Billy by the hand and led him along. The four of us went downstairs and to the den. Billy and I were put in the playpen and Andy brought us the TV remote. Billy turned the TV to Fox so we could watch some Saturday morning cartoons. It was just after 10:00, and a cartoon he liked to watch had just come on. We watched TV for a while as we simultaneously played with our toddler toys in the playpen. After a little while Celli brought each of us a bottle of juice to suck on. After watching Fox for a little while we switched over to Nickelodeon to watch some other cartoons. “Rugrats” was on, which had become one of my favorite cartoons for some reason. I think I liked it because Tommy Pickles always went around in just his diapers and a t-shirt, just like Billy and I usually did.

We watched TV and played with our toys for what seemed like a couple of hours. Everyone else in the house was busy getting ready for the little party we were having this afternoon. Daddy was carrying things outside to the backyard to put on the barbecue grill. We were having hamburgers and chilidogs, and he was going to grill a lot of meat. Mommy and the girls were in the kitchen doing a lot of things that I couldn’t see. At some point Andy came out and checked our diapers and make sure we were okay. I don’t know why she bothered checking our diapers, as we could have probably gone a few days without a change.

Not long after she checked us my stomach started to hurt a little. Actually, it started to hurt a little more than it had been. I had kind of had an upset tummy all morning. I think it was from the ice cream Kevin fed us the previous night. I tried to ignore my discomfort and keep playing with my Little Tyke toys, but the pain in my abdomen kept getting worse. Pretty soon I stopped playing with the toys and just sat there rubbing my stomach as best I could with my right hand.

“What’s wrong, Taddy?” Billy asked after a while. He obviously noticed my growing discomfort.

“My tummy hurts,” I said with a grimace.

“Bad?” he asked.

“Uh huh,” I replied with a nod.

“Sorry,” he said. “Does it feel like you need to poop or something?”

“I think I’m gonna have diarrhea,” I replied.

“Cool,” he replied with a look of delight on his face.

“Cool?” I asked. “Why is that cool?”

“Diarrhea is the best!” he said earnestly. “It feels so awesome, and it stinks up the whole house.”

I crinkled my nose up at the thought of that. I thought Billy was a little nuts, but I did know he loved his diapers. Then, I remembered back to when I had had diarrhea the last time. I remember how weird, and interesting, and good it felt. I guess diarrhea was pretty cool.

Right about then I stopped thinking about diarrhea in the abstract sense. Diarrhea suddenly became a much closer, tangible thing. I suddenly felt an urgent, unbearable need to poop. I was sitting Indian-style on the floor of the playpen. All I needed to do was lean forward a bit to take my weight off of my butt and give one little push, and runny poop began to flow from my butt hole. The poop was accompanied by a wet, gurgling fart, which caused Billy to giggle with delight. I continued to push out quite a bit of very runny poop hoping that my stomach would start to feel better.

While I was still pooping I watched Billy lean forward just a little like I was doing. There was an even louder fart from him, and it looked like he was filling his own diapers with solid waste. He had a smile on his face the whole time.

We both finished pooping about the same time. I sat back putting my weight back onto my rear end. That caused my runny poop to squish all over inside my diapers. Billy spent a couple of minutes scooting his butt back and forth on the floor. He was obviously trying to get his own excrement spread around within his diapers. My poop was so runny that I didn’t even need to worry about doing that. Unlike my last experience with diarrhea, I could very quickly smell the foul odors of my mess. I guess this mess smelled much worse than the last diarrhea I had if it found its way out of my diapers so quickly. Within a minute or so I could also smell Billy’s own load of was. His poop seemed to smell worse than mine, but that may have just been because I was more accustomed to the odors my own waste produced.

“It’s fun, isn’t it?” Billy commented as he began to rub the front of his super thick diapers.

“Yeah,” I admitted with a slight grin.

Right about then the doorbell rang. Mommy and the girls came out of the kitchen.

“They must be here,” announced Mommy as she headed towards the entryway.

Celli came over toward the playpen.

“Come on, babies,” she said. “We gotta go greet the guests.”

She got Billy out of the playpen and set him down.

“You babies stink,” she told us with a contorted look on her face. “We already need to change you.”

She picked me up and set me on her hip. She took one of Billy’s hands with her free hand and we headed towards the entryway just as Daddy came in from the back patio. He must have heard the doorbell and came in to greet our arriving guests. We all gathered in the entryway just as Mommy unlocked the front door. I suddenly got nervous like I always did when I was about to meet someone new. I would be meeting a lot of new people today, which made me even more nervous than usual.

“Hi, guys!” Mommy said happily as she opened the door.

She stood aside and I saw a bunch of people standing outside. There were two adults, one of whom I recognized as Ms. Molly, along with a bunch of kids. The kids came in first. Matty was the first in, followed by two other boys, and then a girl who was holding the hand of the fourth, smallest boy. The girl was the same one I had seen earlier in the week climbing into the back of Ms. Molly’s car at the school. Each of the boys had a backpack slung over his shoulders, which I imagined probably contained one or more changes of diapers.

I immediately noticed how all the boys were dressed. None of them were wearing anything that even remotely resembled “big boy” clothes. Matty and the next smaller boy were in bib rompers like Daddy had dressed me in the previous day. Matty’s romper was red and he was wearing a white shirt with fire engines on it underneath the romper. His younger brother’s romper was bright blue with a multicolored, striped shirt underneath it. The next smallest boy had green short-alls on under which was a blue t-shirt with a Scooby Doo motif covering it. Finally, the smallest boy was wearing bright orange overalls with a white t-shirt underneath that had little Tiggers from Winnie the Pooh all over it. He was the only one that actually looked as though he should be dressed as a toddler. It was also quite obvious that all of the boys were thickly padded in diapers. I figured they had to be wearing cloth diapers under their clothes, as the diaper bulges each of them sported seemed much too big for disposables. The girl—I suddenly remembered her name was Maggie—was dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans that were very tight on her. She was wearing a thin, but also tight, maroon sweater. Her fairly long, reddish-brown hair was done up in a ponytail behind her head. I didn’t really like girls or anything, but I couldn’t help but think that she was very pretty.

Celli set me down on the floor as the kids approached us.

“Hi, guys!” Billy said happily with a wave to them all.

“Hi, Billy. Hi, Celli,” Matty said to my siblings. “Hi, Taddy.”

“Hi,” I replied quietly.

“Taddy, these are my brothers and sister,” he introduced me. “This is Danny, Caleb, Zachary, and Maggie.”

He pointed at his brothers in descending order by size and then to his sister. Danny, who I remembered was eight was bigger than me by about six inches, even though I was two years his senior. I was closer in size to five-year-old Caleb. He was actually smaller than me, but only by an inch or two, even though he was half my age. Zachary was the only one who was significantly smaller than me. I guess he was about six inches or so shorter than me. I then looked up at Maggie. She was a lot taller than me. She looked like she was almost a foot taller than me. However, I was used to girls in my grade at my old schools being taller than me, so I really wasn’t surprised that she was bigger than me.

Danny and Caleb both came up and said hello to me. Danny even offered his hand and he shook the fingers of mine. I was then somewhat surprised when Zachary came up and wanted to hug me.

“Zack likes to hug everybody,” Maggie informed me.

I accepted Zack’s hug just a little awkwardly. He embraced my pretty tightly for such a little kid and then he backed away from me slightly

“Ooh, you got big diapers,” he said with an amused smile. He reached forward and poked at the front of my bulging diapers gently.

While he did that Maggie came up and put an arm around Zack’s shoulders. She extended her right hand to me in greeting.

“Hi, Taddy,” she greeted me. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you. Mom was right. You are very cute.”

At that I blushed deeply. For some reason I felt much more embarrassed by this girl seeing me in nothing but diapers than I had been by anyone else before. I don’t know if that was because she was a girl or because she was my age. Thankfully, I didn’t have much time to think of that because Ms. Molly and her husband had come into the house. Both of them were carrying several bundles that I decided must contain my new baby clothes. Mommy and Daddy relieved them of their burdens and they came over to where we kids were. They said hi to us, and then, somewhat to my surprise, Molly bent over to me and picked me up.

“Hi, Taddy,” she greeted me. “How are you, sweetie? Do you feel better than you did last time I saw you?”

“Uh huh,” I nodded.

“That’s good,” she told me. “This is my husband, Clark.”

She turned toward her husband, who was standing next to her.

“Hi, Taddy,” he greeted me friendlily.

“Hello,” I squeaked nervously.

“You stink, sweetie,” Ms. Molly then informed me with a smile.

“Yeah, he and Billy both need a change,” Celli informed everyone.

Now that everyone had greeted each other, we headed into the den. Ms. Molly carried me, which I appreciated considering how hard it was for me to walk in my overly thick diapers. Mommy and the girls wanted to go through my new clothes and things immediately. Celli and Andy were nearly bubbling over with excited anticipation at the prospect of going through all my new stuff.

“Billy, sweetie, why don’t you take the boys out back to play for a little while before we eat?” Mommy suggested. “Unless you all want to stay and watch us go through all the new cloth.”

“Nope, we’ll go out back,” Billy said immediately.

“Go get your shoes on, first,” Mommy told him.

Billy nodded and he quickly waddled out of the room to go upstairs. He was back a minute or two later with socks and sneakers on. He looked sort of silly wearing nothing but shoes, a t-shirt, and diapers. He led Matty and his brothers out the back door and to the backyard where they could play. Daddy took Clark back there as well to continue cooking the meat for lunch. I would have liked to go out back and play, too, but I was told that I needed to stay inside to try my new clothes on. All of the girls gathered with me in the sitting area of the den. Mommy and Ms. Molly started to unwrap the bundles of cloths, which were all wrapped in brown paper.

“I don’t think anything will fit over diapers that thick,” Ms. Molly said.

“I’ll go get some stuff to change him,” Celli said, getting up from the couch she was sitting on. “He needs a change anyway.”

“I don’t know why you girls had to put so many diapers on them this morning, anyway,” Mommy complained mildly.

“We wanted them to look extra cute for the company,” Andy explained.

Everyone else got a little giggle out of that.

Celli returned a few minutes later with a stack of diapers, plastic pants, a changing pad, a canister of baby powder, and a tub of baby wipes. She got down on the floor in the middle of the sitting area after pushing the coffee table out of the way a bit. She spread out the changing pad in front of her.

“Come here, baby,” she then said, waving me towards her. “Let me change your diapers.”

I had been sitting on Andy’s lap on an easy chair. Andy helped me slide off her lap, and I waddled precariously over in Celli’s direction. I tried really hard not to fall to keep from embarrassing myself in front of everyone, and I thankfully succeeded. I got over to Celli and stood in front of her on the changing pad. I then had to sit down on the floor, a task that I still hadn’t perfected yet with even my normal amount of diapering, much less two extra diapers. I crouched down on as low as I could get before letting myself fall backwards onto my butt. That actually worked this time, but I landed on my butt hard enough that it squished the runny poop in my diapers around a lot. I felt liquefied poop flow all the way up the front of my diapers past my penis, so I knew Celli was about the have her work cut out for her.

Celli got me positioned how she wanted me on the changing pad and I lay back and spread my legs apart. It was then that I realized that Celli had knelt down on the floor with her back to the couch that Maggie was sitting on. That left me facing her, which I found very humiliating. I just sat there leaning back on my elbows looking down at myself trying not to make eye contact with her.

I barely had time to consider that before Celli reached up to my waist…well, actually, well above my waist, and pushed my t-shirt up just a little so she could get at my plastic pants. She pulled my plastic pants down and off of me. She reached up and began to unpin my diapers. I don’t know how many pins were in each diaper, but it must have been a bunch because it seemed to take her forever to unpin all six diapers. The first three diapers seemed to be completely dry. I don’t think any of the urine from my three or four wettings had gotten to them at all yet. The third diaper from the inside may have been just a little damp. Finally, she got to the inner two diapers. These two were pretty wet, at least up front. I could also see poop leaking out of the sides of them around my legs. She unpinned the last diaper and opened it up exposing my genitals for all the women to see. Of course, they were completely covered in my poopy mess.

“You made a big mess, stinky butt,” Celli told me.

I heard Maggie giggle quietly at that. I gave her a quick glance and noticed she had a very satisfied smile on her face. She must have been enjoying the opportunity to watch me get my diapers changed. I wasn’t enjoying it at all. I was lying there in the middle of the room with five girls watching me. Sure, Mommy, Celli, and Andy changed me all the time, but it was still utterly humiliating to be changed in front of a crowd of girls.

I was getting very uncomfortable, so I lay back and just stared at the ceiling as Celli started to clean my diaper area with wet wipes. It took her quite a while to get me clean, as I was very dirty, and she must have used probably ten baby wipes.

“Celli, why don’t you put him in some of his new diapers?” Molly suggested as Celli was finishing up. “He needs to try them on anyway.”

“Oh. I guess we can do that,” Celli said.

Molly went through one of the piles of garments on the couch next to her.

“Here, have a look at them,” she said as she handed a diaper to Celli and another each to Mommy and Andy.

I got a very good look at the diaper Celli held up. It looked a lot like Billy’s custom diapers. It was gleaming white in color, much whiter than my other diapers, which had already become a little dingy from use. It was rectangular with half-circle scoops cut out of the sides to contour around the legs. The top and bottom edges of the diaper, which made up the waistline was stretchy, like they had elastic in them to make a waistband. There also appeared to be elastic in the edges of the leg cutouts, which made sort of a little depression in the center of the diaper, which I imagined would help hold its contents in. I realized that the diaper looked a lot like the disposable diapers Billy wore, except it was a lot thicker and it obviously had no tapes. I noticed that the center panel of the diaper seemed to be thicker than the diapers I wore, or even the ones Billy wore. Apparently I wasn’t the only one to notice the difference.

“It seems quite a bit thicker than Billy’s diapers,” Celli commented.

“Oh, it is,” said Molly. “I found a new type of batting material to use in the soaker panels. It’s a little bulky, but it’s supposed to work pretty well. Supposedly it soaks up a lot of liquid, but it dries faster in the dryer than regular diaper cloth. I put four layers of that into the soaker panels of all of Taddy’s diapers sandwiched in between the regular material. That’s the first batch of diapers I’ve done since we got the new material, so I don’t know how they’ll work. Since I wasn’t sure how well the stuff works I had the girls go ahead and put the normal, eight layers of birds-eye in there.”

“So, it’s twelve layers thick?” asked Andy.

“That’s right,” Ms. Molly said. “Although, like I said, the batting material is a lot bulkier than birds-eye, so it makes the diapers even thicker, but I’m hoping it will also make them quite a bit more absorbent. Like I said, this is the first batch of diapers we’ve done, which is why I did it for free. Taddy gets to be our test case.”

“And you made two sizes, right?” Celli asked.

“Yep,” replied Ms. Molly.

“Good. We can put them on super thick, then,” said Celli.

“Remember he has to try clothes on,” Mommy reminded her.

“I know,” Celli said. “I mean later.”

“Well, hurry up and get him diapered up before he has an accident,” Mommy told her.

I blushed in embarrassment at the insinuation that I might have an accident. I had only had a few daytime accidents in my life, so why would I all of a sudden start having them more?

Celli had me lift my butt and she slid the diaper she was holding under me. She thoroughly powdered my diaper area and pulled the front of the diaper up between my legs. She got the diaper adjusted snugly around me and began pinning it in place. I thought it felt pretty good. It was very soft and comfortable. It only took me a second to decide that I liked the feel of these diapers, at least. Celli got a second diaper from Ms. Molly and put it on me. When the second diaper was in place it already felt like I was as thickly diapered as I was in my usual four diapers. Whatever that new stuff was in these diapers sure made them a lot thicker. She finished pinning the second diaper in place, and then I thought she’d reach for a pair of plastic pants to put on me, but I was wrong.

“Let me have one more diaper,” she said.

“Celli, we have to be able to put his clothes on,” Mommy told her. “That’ll probably be too many diapers.”

“Well, Mom, we need to see how thickly we can diaper him in his new diapers and still put clothes on anyway,” reasoned Celli. “So we may as well do it now.”

Mommy just let out an exasperated sigh, “I swear, you girls like your brothers being in diapers more than they do.”

“And?” Celli giggled with delight. “One more diaper, please, Molly.”

Ms. Molly just smiled and handed her a third diaper. Celli raised my butt up once more, and she slid the last diaper underneath me. She pulled it up and pinned it in place around the other two diapers. She reached for a pair of plastic pants and started to put them on.

“Oh, try some of his new plastic pants,” said Molly. “I made a bunch of printed ones for him.”

She handed Celli a pair of baby-printed plastic pants like I had been wearing previously, but they were slightly smaller looking. I only had plain plastic pants of my own, since that was all they carried at the drugstore, but now I had my very own baby-print pants. I kind of liked that. Celli had me lift my feet up, and she pulled the plastic pants onto me. She pulled them up as high as they would go and then helped me stand up so she could pull them the rest of the way over my diapers. She got the pants adjusted properly and then turned me around to give me swat on the butt.

“Such a cute baby,” she cooed at me as she turned me back around to face her.

“Okay, let’s get started,” said Mommy. “Come over here, baby.”

I waddled over to where Mommy was sitting. She was on one couch sitting kitty-corner to the couch Ms. Molly was sitting on. They both had piles of clothes and cloth diapers on either side of them. It was definitely easier to walk in these new diapers than the six diapers I had been in previously, but they were a good bit thicker than my normal set of four diapers. It also seemed like the crotches of them were just a little wider. I got over to Mommy and she picked up a colorful garment with a baby print all over it. She unfolded it and I saw that it looked like a onesie, but it had long sleeves and legs. She opened it up at the bottom and began to put it on me. It was sort of like t-shirt material, but thicker.

“What is this, Mommy?” I asked as she pulled it over my head.

“It’s a playsuit, baby,” she informed me. “For when it’s a little too cold to run around the house in just diapers.”

The sleeves went over my arms pretty easily in spite of my casts. She got the garment over my torso and began to pull it down over my diapers.

“I’m glad this thing is stretchy,” she said as she pulled it down. She got it around my abdomen and began to snap the crotch and legs up over my legs.

“You know I always put extra room in everything for that,” said Ms. Molly. “Maggie likes the stuff the boys into too many diapers, too, so I always plan accordingly.”

“Yep,” Maggie chimed in. “The more diapers the merrier.”

“Amen to that,” agreed Andy. “Gotta make sure they never have a leak.”

Mommy finished snapping up the playsuit, but she had to leave some of the bottom snaps on my left leg undone, since they wouldn’t close over my cast.

“There,” she said when she was done. “Doesn’t that just look precious? And it fits perfectly.”

She had me turn around so everyone could see me. Everyone oohed and awed at me and said I looked cute. I only wore the playsuit for a few seconds before Mommy took it off of me. She picked up another garment and put it on me. I spent the next…well, it seemed like hours…trying on what seemed like dozens of outfits. Mommy and Ms. Molly would put a garment on me, I’d display it for everyone for a few seconds, and it would be quickly removed after everyone cooed at me an said how cute it looked. There were playsuits, and bib rompers, and rompers, which were like onesies with legs like shorts, and overalls, and short-alls, and onesies, and so many other clothes I lost count. There were half a dozen sleepers, but I could only try two of them on. I couldn’t get into the footed sleepers because my cast wouldn’t allow me to put my left foot into the foot of the sleeper. However, the footless sleepers had snaps in the crotch and inseams just like my playsuits, so I could try them on just fine. Everything seemed to fit perfectly, although Mommy just barely squeezed my thick diapers and me into some of the garments.

Without exception, all of the garments looked very babyish. They were either in bright, solid colors, infantile pastels, or printed with some childish motif. Some of the garments had cartoon themes, while some of them had baby toys, teddy bears, or other childish paraphernalia on them, and others had vehicles on them. Nothing looked even remotely grownup. Still, I couldn’t help but like everything. I had never owned so many clothes in my life, much less clothes that had been custom-made for me. I felt very lucky to have everything. Also, even though I got a little tired of trying on so many clothes after a while, I couldn’t help but like all the attention all the girls were giving me. Sure, it was a little embarrassing, but everyone kept telling me how cute, and precious, and adorable I looked, and that made me feel really good.

Finally, the fitting session wound down, which I was thankful for because I was getting pretty tired. I had been standing up for a pretty long time, and my ankle was starting to hurt ever so slightly. Mommy pulled the last garment off of me and put one of my new baby t-shirts onto me. It was pastel blue in color with a green frog sewn onto the center of the chest. Like the older baby t-shirts of Billy’s that I wore, this one fit me somewhat tightly, and it was very short. It barely covered the top inch or two of my diapers.

“There. All done, baby,” she told me. “You can just wear that for the rest of the day. So, do you like all your new clothes?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I said. “I like them a lot. Thank you.”

“Your welcome, baby,” she said. She picked me up and let me give her a hug. “Now, go thank Ms. Molly.”

She set me down and I waddled over to Ms. Molly.

“Thank you for my new clothes, Ms. Molly,” I told her.

“You’re very welcome, sweetie,” she said. “I’m glad you like them.”

She picked me up and I gave her a hug as well. She sat me back down, and she gave me a swat on my butt as I turned around.

“Okay, why don’t we go outside and see how lunch is coming along?” Mommy suggested.

Everyone stood up, and Mommy came over to me. She picked me up and planted me on her hip. She carried me out the back door as everyone followed behind us. We found Daddy and Mr. Clark out on the back patio by Daddy’s big, shiny barbecue grill that was actually built-in on one side of the patio. I saw Billy and the rest of the boys out in the backyard on the swing set.

“About fifteen more minutes,” Daddy announced when he saw us come out. “Just waiting on the burgers.”

“That’s good,” replied Mommy.

She set me down on the patio and gave my butt another swat. It was just slightly cool today, and the concrete was cold on my bare, right foot, but it wasn’t too bad. I waddled over to the edge of the patio and looked out at the boys playing on the playground equipment. The house was kind of sitting on a very low hill and the small play area was at the bottom of it in a level area. I was kind of sad that I couldn’t go out there. I wanted to run around and play, but I couldn’t climb on anything. Mommy didn’t even want me going out there because she was afraid I’d hurt myself. I stood there for a few minutes staring longingly at the other boys. A minute later, Andy came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

“You want to go out there and play with the other boys, huh baby?” she asked me.

“Uh huh,” I said sadly.

“How about I go push you on a swing?” she offered.

“But Mommy won’t let me,” I said.

“She will if I’m watching you,” she said. “And if I’m carrying you so you don’t get dirt in your cast.”

She reached down and picked me up. She planted me on her hip and turned to Mommy, who was talking to Ms. Molly near the grill.

“Mom, I’m going to push Taddy in the baby swing,” she informed Mommy.

“Okay. Just be careful with him,” warned Mommy.

“I will,” Andy assured her as she walked out into the yard with me.

We went down to the playground area, which resided in a pit of gravel.

“Hi, Taddy!” Billy yelled from on top of the slide tower attached to swing set.

“Hi, Taddy!” Matty joined in.

“Hi, guys,” I replied happily.

Andy carried me over to the swings. There were three swings on the swing set. Two of them were regular swings, but one of them was like a toddler’s swing. It was like a bucket seat with two holes in the front of it for the occupant’s legs. It looked just like a toddler swing one might find at any playground, but it was big enough that a much bigger kid could swing in it. She lowered me down into the swing and got me situated in it. She went behind me and began to gently push me. I put my arms around the chains holding the swing up and enjoyed the sensations of rocking back and forth. I wished she would push me a little harder, but I’d take what I could get.

She pushed me on the baby swing for a good ten minutes or so. After a few minutes she did begin pushing me a little harder so I’d go a little faster. I enjoyed my little, amusing ride as I watched the other kids play. I wish I could have been doing everything they were, but at least I was no longer watching from the patio. After a while Maggie came down from the patio. She sat on the empty swing next to me and joined me. We swung together for a few minutes. She didn’t say anything to me, and I was too bashful to make direct eye contact with her, but I could see out of the corner of my eye that she kept looking at me.

Finally, the adults called us in to come eat. Andy stopped pushing me and got my swing stopped. She picked me up out of the seat basket as everyone else ran off toward the house. She put me on her hip and I wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug.

“Thank you, Andy,” I told her.

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

She carried me up to the house. We probably would have eaten outside, but it was cloudy today and looked like it might rain, and I guess they didn’t want to risk having our meal ruined by a sudden rain shower. Instead we went into the house and to the poolroom. With all the windows in there it was kind of like being outside, and it was certainly a big enough room for everyone to eat in. There was already a patio table out there with four chairs that the adults would be eating at, and Daddy had set up a big folding table with a bunch of chairs for all of the kids to eat at. Billy’s and my highchairs had also been brought out here. Along one wall of the room a table had been set up with all of the food.

Andy carried me over to my highchair at the big table and set me down in it. She got me strapped in and put the tray on it in front of me. Meanwhile, Maggie helped Zachary climb into Billy’s highchair. He’d be eating in it today. The other four boys, including Billy, took places at the table. Celli produced a half-dozen bibs and each of us boys had one tied around out necks. Once everyone was settled in, Daddy stood at the grownups’ table and said a prayer. Everyone but Zachary and I then got up and headed to the table with all the food. They lined up and filled their plates with food. Andy and Maggie each brought back two plates with them, one for Zachary and one for me. Andy set one plate down in front of me. It had a chilidog on it along with baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw, and potato chips. The plastic, disposable plate was nearly running over with food. I had no idea how I was going to eat it all.

“Who gonna feed me?” Zachary asked as Maggie set one of her plates of food down in front of him.

“Well, I am, silly,” Maggie said.

“No! I want Celli do it,” he said adamantly, pointing over to Celli.

Maggie just let out a sigh.

“Oh, fine, you little brat!” Maggie said with a smile. “Do you mind, Celli?”

“Of course not,” Celli replied. “I love feeding my little Zacky-pooh.”

“Don’t call me Zacky-pooh,” Zachary said a little angrily, which just caused the girls to laugh at him.

Everyone got situated and began eating. Andy sat down at her chair at the table, which was right next to my highchair. She took a plastic knife and fork and used it to slice my chilidog up, which I thought was kind of weird. She then used the fork to pick up a slice of chilidog that contained a piece of the bun, a piece of hotdog, and of course it was dripping with chili and melted cheese.

“Open up, baby,” she told me.

I did as I was told, and she shoved the slice of chilidog into my mouth. I hadn’t had a chilidog in a long time, so this was sort of a new taste for me. It was good. I decided I liked chilidogs.

“Is it good?” she asked me as I chewed my first bite.

“I huh,” I mumbled. “It’s good.”

“Good,” she said. “Now, don’t talk with your mouth full, sweetie.”

I just nodded and kept chewing. She continued feeding me as she ate her own meal and everyone else ate. She rotated through feeding me beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and chips. Every once in a while she would hold a sippy cup of Kool-Aid up to my mouth for me to suck from. There was hardly a moment in which there wasn’t something in my mouth. Everything was really good, but I wasn’t too fond of the potato salad. I didn’t really care for the taste of it, but I knew I was supposed to eat what I was fed, and I wanted to be a good boy, so I just ate it.

We all continued our meal. I sat there quietly not saying anything, but Billy, Matty, and Danny were conversing about something while the girls had their own conversation going on. I tried to listen into the boys’ conversation, as I wasn’t at all interested in what the girls were talking about. I heard Matty mention something about wanting to eat a ton of baked beans so he could fart a lot later on. The other boys laughed at that. Billy then said he was going to be sure to eat two chilidogs so he could really fill his diapers up later. I thought that was pretty funny myself.

We spent another hour or so eating. Andy fed me every single bite of food on my plate. She asked if I wanted seconds, but I just shook my head. My tummy was really full, and I thought I would probably pop if I had one more bite of food. After everyone was finished eating, us kids were dismissed to go upstairs to play while the grownups cleaned up the mess from the meal. Andy let me out of the highchair and I waddled along behind Maggie and all the other boys as we headed back into the house. Billy held my hand and escorted me up the stairs. It still took me a long time to get up the stairs, but I was getting better at it every time.

We got to the top of the stairs and went down that hall to the nursery. Billy, Matty, and Danny wanted to play video games, so they headed over to the entertainment center. I would have liked to play some video games, as well, but I still had trouble using the controller. Caleb and Zachary wanted to play with some toys, so I decided to play with them. We went over to the shelves on the side of the room that were full of toys. Everyone selected some toys to play with, and we carried them back over to the little play rug in the middle of the nursery. Caleb and Zachary both selected some Little Tykes and Fisher Price toys to play with, so I chose some more juvenile toys as well. We sat in the middle of the nursery playing while the older boys played on the Xbox.

Maggie, who had come upstairs with all us boys, came over to us and sat on the floor with Caleb, Zachary, and me. I kind of just ignored her for a while because she still made me a little nervous for some reason. She didn’t try to play with any of the toys or anything. Instead, she just sat there watching us. Finally, I decided to offer her a toy.

“You wanna play with my toys?” I offered as I pushed a Little Tykes car in her direction.

“No, thanks,” she said with an amused grin. “I don’t play with baby toys.”

I suppose I would have been offended by her calling my toys baby toys, but I guess they were baby toys. But I was a baby, so there was nothing wrong with that, right? Still I blushed in rebuke as I withdrew my toy.

“So, do you like wearing diapers, now?” she asked me.

“I guess so,” I replied shyly as I looked down at my toys.

“Do you like being a baby?” she asked.

“Um, yeah,” I answered.

“Good,” she replied. “Because you look very cute as a baby. I’m glad Mom made your new diapers so thick. Thick diapers make babies look even cuter. I just have to talk her into hurrying up and making some for my brothers.”

“Do you change your brothers’ diapers?” I asked her.

“Of course,” she replied. “All the time. With four boys running around in diapers, Mom and Dad can’t do all the changes.”

“Oh,” I said.

“I’m sure I’ll change your diapers at some point, too,” she added.

“You will?” I asked.

“Sure. I’ve changed Billy lots of times,” she said.

“Oh,” I replied flatly. For some reason, I wasn’t so sure that I wanted a girl my age changing me.

Right about then, Celli and Andy came into the nursery.

“Is everyone ready to go swimming?” Celli asked us all.

“Yeah!” everyone seemed to chorus together excitedly.

I wasn’t all that excited. I was the only one who wouldn’t be going swimming. I couldn’t get my casts wet, so I couldn’t get in the pool. I thought maybe we could put on my cast protectors that I used in the bath, but Mommy had told me the instructions for them said they weren’t supposed to be used in pools. It didn’t give any explanation as to why, but it basically meant I was confined to dry land. I guess it really didn’t matter, since I didn’t know how to swim, and I wasn’t even sure if I’d like swimming, but I was still kind of disappointed to be left out today when everyone else would get to go swimming.

Everyone but me stopped what they were doing and got up. All of the boys waddled over toward the changing table. I just remained in the middle of the nursery playing with my toys halfheartedly while also watching what everyone else was doing. Matty and Danny went downstairs to collect theirs and their brothers’ backpacks. While they were gone, Billy climbed up on the changing table so he could get changed out of his diapers. Andy went to work removing his plastic pants and unpinning his diapers. He was still in his super thick set of six diapers that he had been in since our morning change, so it took Andy a while to get all of his diapers unpinned. He was obviously still poopy from when he defecated earlier while we were in the playpen. He had been stinking up the nursery pretty badly, but I somehow doubted he was the only boy responsible for that at the moment.

Andy opened his diapers up and began to wipe his messy diaper area clean. He was pretty messy, and she was still cleaning him when Matty and Danny returned with their four backpacks. Celli and Maggie took all of the Sanders boys over to a clear spot where they could begin changing them on the floor. Celli grabbed a couple of changing pads from the changing table for the task. I watched as the two of them began changing the boys. First, all four of them were stripped of their cloths leaving them in nothing but their diapers. They were all in identical sets of fairly thick cloth diapers with translucent plastic pants pretty much just like Billy and I wore. Once they were stripped, Zachary and Caleb got down on the mats in front of Maggie and Celli respectively, and the girls started to remove their diapers.

Soon enough there were multiple naked boys in the room. Andy finished cleaning up Billy and she tossed his bundled-up dirty diapers into the diaper pail. Zachary and Caleb got cleaned up, and their diapers were put into individual plastic bags that were in each of their backpacks. They were then diapered back up, but they weren’t put into normal diapers. In fact they weren’t put into any type of diaper that I had eve seen before. They were put into weird looking garments that looked sort of like diapers, but sort of not. They were shaped similarly to the custom, contour diapers that we all wore, in a sort of an hourglass shape, but they were much thinner, and the outer part of the diapers were colored. Billy’s diaper was red, Zachary’s was blue, and Caleb’s was green on the outside. They also had Velcro closures so diaper pins weren’t needed. Most significantly, there was a like a wide elastic band that was sewn on one of the back sides of diapers that went across the front of the diaper at the waistline and velcroed to the other side of the back flap of the diaper. It was a very weird setup. Billy had his diaper put on and then he hopped off the table. He didn’t have any plastic pants put on him, which surprised me. He just got a swat on his butt from Andy and came over to where I was sitting in nothing but his red diaper. I noticed that the diaper crinkled just a little as he walked

He plopped down on the floor beside me.

“Hey, baby brother,” he greeted me.

“Hi,” I replied. “What kind of diaper is that?”

“It’s a swim diaper,” he said. “So we can get in the pool with worrying about having an accident.”

“Oh,” I replied. “You don’t need plastic pants for it?”

“Nope,” he replied. “The outer covering is waterproof, so it won’t leak.”

“Why is it so thin?” I asked. Up close I could tell that it was even thinner than Billy’s disposable diapers.

“It’s not supposed to hold a lot,” he said. “I think it’ll hold maybe one good pee, but that’s it. And water from the pool gets in it once I go in the pool. It’s mainly just meant to keep my poop from getting in the pool.”

“Why can’t you just wear a regular diaper?”

“Because regular diapers would get all full of pool water and be really heavy. They may not even stay on.”

“What about that strap thingy?” I asked.

“That’s just an extra strap to make sure the diaper doesn’t come open in the water,” he said. “I guess it’s like a backup.”

“Oh,” I replied. “I wish I could go with you.”

“I know, buddy,” he said putting an arm around my shoulder. “You’ll get to go swimming with us, soon.”

“Yeah,” I replied sadly, not really cheered up.

A few minutes later, the five boys were changed into their swim diapers. The girls went into the bathroom to wash their hands for a minute, and then they returned to the nursery. Celli came over to me and picked me up.

“You look sad, squirt,” she mentioned to me. “Is it because you can’t go swimming?”

I thought Celli was pretty smart.

“Yeah,” I said.

“I know, Taddy,” she said giving me a hug. “But it’ll be okay. There’ll be plenty of time to go swimming later.”

I just nodded kind of sadly.

“How about we go downstairs and you can ride around in your walker for a while?” she suggested.

“Okay,” I said. That wasn’t much of a consolation, but I did like my baby walker, and riding around in it was better than doing nothing at all.

Celli gave my diapers a quick check, not that I was in any danger of leaking, and then everyone went downstairs. Matty and his brothers each carried their backpacks with them so they’d have a change of diapers downstairs and ready. Billy was given a stack of diapers, plastic pants, and a large pile of diaper pins to carry downstairs. Us boys went to the den to wait while everyone else changed into their swimsuits. We kids weren’t allowed out into the poolroom by ourselves, I guess so we wouldn’t fall in and drown. While we waited the three girls went back upstairs to change. I guess all of the adults were already off somewhere changing.

We didn’t have to wait very long before the girls were back down wearing their swimsuits. Celli was wearing and aqua-colored string bikini, while Andy had a pink, one-piece suit on. Maggie was wearing a regular bikini that was striped in pinks, oranges, and other girly colors like that.

“Okay, we can go get in the pool now,” Andy announced.

Celli came over and picked me up as everyone headed toward the door to the poolroom. She carried me over to the corner of the den where my walker sat next to the playpen. She set me down in its basket seat and made sure I was comfortable. She got a couple of toys out of the playpen and set them on the tray in front of me so I’d have something to keep me occupied. Then, she pushed me out to the poolroom behind everyone else. By the time we got there Billy, Matty, and Danny had already jumped into the pool and were swimming around.

“Now, don’t get too close to the water, baby,” Celli warned me. “You don’t want to get your casts wet.”

I just nodded.

She bent over and gave me a kiss on top of the head. Then, she went over to the pool and went down the steps into the water. Everyone was in the pool, now leaving me by myself outside of the pool. I was really sad that I couldn’t go swimming with everyone. I just sort of sat there in my walker watching everyone for a few minutes until the adults finally came out. Ms. Molly and her husband came out of the same door us kids had used, but Mommy and Daddy came out of a door that attached the poolroom directly to their bedroom. Mommy immediately came over to me.

“Hi, sweetie,” she greeted me. “Would you like a bottle?”

“No, I’m okay,” I replied.

“Okay, baby. You just have fun with your little toys and behave. Try not to get wet.”

“I won’t,” I promised downtrodden

“Mommy loves you,” she said as she bent over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“I love you, too, Mommy,” I replied.

“Let us know if you need anything,” she told me.

She patted me on the head and went to join everyone else. The grownups all got into the Jacuzzi that was attached to the pool, while all of the boys and girls played in the pool. Soon enough, I was watching everyone playing and splashing around happily. Caleb was swimming around with little, inflatable swim wings on his arms, and Zachary was under the close supervision of the girls in the shallow end, also with swim wings on, but at least he was still able to get in the water with everyone else.

I very quickly got extremely bored. I hated being left out by myself. I tried to play with my little toddler toys on the tray of my walker, but it was kind of hard when I could hear and see all the other boys happily frolicking around in the water. I finally got a little mad and I just sat there and huffed with my little, casted arms folded in front of me in the pouting position. Perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes after everyone got into the pool Celli got out and came over to me. She knelt down in front of me.

“You look so sad, baby,” she commented.

Well, duh!

“Yeah,” I replied sadly. My bottom lip was probably sticking out pretty far.

“Wait right here,” she told me. “I’ll be right back.”

She gave me a kiss on the nose and then rose to leave. She grabbed a towel off of a stack of them on a rack on one side of the poolroom and dried herself off before she trotted inside. She returned couple minutes later, and I was surprised to see her carrying my three cast protectors. She came over to me and got back down in front of me. She took my left arm and started to pull one of the plastic cast protectors onto it.

“What are you doing, Celli?” I asked her.

“Putting your cast protectors on, so you can go in the pool,” she replied, stating the obvious.

“But Mommy said they weren’t supposed to be used in the pool,” I pointed out to her.

“I think that’s just because the rough concrete in the pool might tear them,” she told me. “If you don’t touch the bottom or the sides of the pool, they should work just like when you’re taking a bath, right?”

“Oh,” I replied.

I was again amazed by how smart my sister was.

She put my three cast protectors on, and then had me lift my arms so she could pull my t-shirt off. She removed the baby blue garment and replaced it with a plain, white t-shirt. She then stood up and picked me up. She cradled me in her arms and carried me over towards the pool. Without hesitation, she walked down the steps into the pool with me in her arms.

“Celli, what are you doing?” Mommy suddenly asked concernedly from the Jacuzzi.

“I’m gonna let Taddy float around for a little while,” Celli said.

“He’s not supposed to get those casts wet!” said Mommy, obviously a little perturbed.

“He won’t, Mom,” replied Celli.

“If he does, you’re in big trouble, young lady,” said Mommy.

“Okay, Mom,” Celli replied without concern. “Andy, bring me that tube float, please.”

There were several floating pool toys in the water. Andy stood up in the shallow end and grabbed a yellow and blue floating ring that looked like a big donut. She waded over towards us with it. She held it in place and Celli carefully set me down in it. It wasn’t a huge float, and my thickly diapered butt pretty much completely plugged the hole in the center of it.

“What about my diapers?” I asked. “Won’t they get soaked?”

“Not so long as the waist and leg bands stay out of the water,” Celli told me. “The plastic keeps water out just as good as it keeps pee in.”

I decided Celli was the smartest girl on the face of the earth, except maybe for Mommy, but she wasn’t really a girl, anyway, she was Mommy.

She got me situated in the tube float and made sure I was comfortable. She then pushed me around the pool for a few minutes. While probably not as good as actually swimming, this was definitely much better than sitting on the side of the pool watching everyone.

She pushed me over to where the older boys were swimming and playing in the deep end of the pool. She warned them not to splash me too much and to be careful not to tip me over. She then gave me a kiss on the cheek and returned to where Andy and Maggie were swimming with the younger boys. I relaxed and enjoyed my improved situation. While I still wasn’t actually swimming with everyone, I was at least with the other boys now, and I didn’t feel left out. The water was pretty nice. I was completely dry and the only part of my skin that was actually in contact with the water was my right foot, but I could feel how warm the water was. The pool was heated, which was part of the reason it could be used year-round. It wasn’t as warm as bathwater, but it was still nice.

The boys continued talking and playing around me as I casually floated around the pool. They tried not to splash me, but I ended up pretty wet, anyway. At some point I looked down into the water and realized I was floating in water that was well over my head. It looked like it was a long way to the bottom of the pool. That kind of scared me, but I knew that so long as I stayed in my little donut tube I would be okay.

I floated around for about fifteen or twenty minutes before my tummy started to cramp up again like it had earlier in the day. I knew I was going to be pooping again soon. It was probably the chilidog I had had along with all the other food. The cramping continued to intensify exactly as it had done in the morning. Finally, it reached the agonizing level, and I felt an urgent need to poop. I didn’t even need to move to reposition myself. I gave a little push, and poop began to slide out of my butt again. It was a little firmer this time, but not much. It instantly filled whatever empty space might have existed between my butt and my diapers and it oozed all over inside my diapers. Even though I had already pooped a lot earlier, I still pooped a ton, now. I didn’t think it was ever going to stop coming out of me. Finally, the cramping subsided and I felt much better. I moved around as much as I could, which wasn’t much, but it was enough to cause my poop to squish around nicely. I couldn’t believe how much I was becoming to like poopy diapers. Why did I like poop? It was so gross, but at the same time…I couldn’t seem to help but like it.

I floated around contemplating that as I further enjoyed my yucky diapers. I peed in them once again, which only made them messier. I suddenly realized that I had just pooped and peed while in the same room with a dozen other people, and they were none the wiser. That was kind of neat…and funny. I realized I had discovered yet another advantage to wearing diapers: no one knew when or what I was doing in them. Of course, that wouldn’t last forever. Eventually, someone would smell me, but with six boys all in diapers here at the moment, it would doubtless take a while for someone to single me out.

We stayed in the pool for a while longer. The other boys had splashed me enough that my shirt was pretty wet, and I was starting to get cold from it. I was glad when Daddy got out of the Jacuzzi and came into the big pool. He took hold of my floating tube as I floated towards the shallow end, and he pulled me over to him.

“Hi, baby boy,” he told me. “Are you ready to get out of the water? You’re lips are kind of purple. Looks like you’re getting cold.”

“Uh huh,” said through chattering lips.

He picked me up and carried me towards the steps leading out of the pool. We left the pool and he went over to the rack with towels on it and grabbed a couple of fluffy towels. He then carried me over to the picnic table and sat down with me. He removed my damp shirt and wrapped me in a towel. He dried me off a little and then sat me in my own chair so he could dry himself off. When he was dry except for his swim trunks he picked me back up and sat me in his lap. He wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him. After a minute or two he noticed that my glasses were covered in beaded water droplets, so he took them off of my face and dried them off for me.

“Did you have fun?” he asked me.

“Uh huh,” I replied. “I had a lot of fun.”

“Good,” he said. “I’m glad.”

We spend the next few minutes sitting there, and then everyone started getting out of the pool. I almost laughed when Maggie rather authoritatively ordered her brothers to line up for diaper checks. I was surprised that they all instantly obeyed and lined up shoulder to shoulder near the pool as soon as they were out of the water. Even her older brother, Matty, listened to her. Celli and Andy then told Billy to go line up with them. I could tell he didn’t really want to, but he grudgingly complied and stood in line next to Matty. Maggie then went behind them and gave each boy’s butt a squeeze and pulled the waistband of his swim diaper back to see if he was poopy. She got to Danny, and apparently found that he wasn’t poopy, because she reached around in front of him and unfastened his diaper and removed it while he stood there. She gave his naked butt a smack and sent him over to the towel rack to dry off. The only other boy not poopy was Billy, probably because he had pooped earlier in the day with me. He also had his swim diaper removed and was sent scampering bareback over to dry off.

The girls told everyone they’d take care of diapering up the boys, so the adults went to change. Daddy set me in an empty chair and went inside to change. I got up and waddled over to where the girls were setting up a changing area on a dry spot on the concrete floor of the poolroom. I sat on the floor Indian-style and watched as they began to change the boys. Matty, Caleb, and Zachary went first since they were the poopy ones. The three of them got cleaned up and changed into clean sets of cloth diapers, and their very messy swim diapers went into plastic bags. After they were securely diapered, Billy and Danny got their naked butts put into clean diapers, as well. After that, the changing area was cleaned up and we all went inside. No one thought to check my diapers, I guess because the room was already pretty stinky from the other poopy diaper changes, and no one noticed my stinky diapers. Before we went back inside, Celli got my blue t-shirt with the frog on it and put it back on me. She then picked me up and carried me inside.

“Did you have fun, baby?” she asked me as she carried me along.

“Uh huh,” I replied. “I had lots of fun. Thank you, Celli.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” she said giving me a hug.

We all went back upstairs, but we decided to go down to the game room at the end of the upstairs hallway. Matty and Billy went over to play a game of pool. The upstairs pool table wasn’t like a regular pool table. The one in Daddy’s poolroom was a regular billiards table, but the one upstairs was a table for something called bumper pool. I had never heard of it until I came here. It was an octagonal table with several bumper posts in the middle. The object of the game was apparently for one player to get all of his balls into the hole on the other player’s side of the table. There were red and white balls with a single queue ball. It wasn’t a very complicated game, and I actually understood it, but I wasn’t able to play yet because I couldn’t handle a pool queue very well.

Danny and I decided to go play on the pinball machine over in one corner of the room. After I came here, Daddy had put a little stepstool in front of the machine because I was too short to really see the top of it very well. I had learned to play pinball pretty well, but it wasn’t really all that hard. I let Danny go first, and I stood beside him watching him plink the little, silver ball bearing all over inside the pinball table. Meanwhile, Maggie went over to the entertainment center and turned the TV on for Caleb and Zachary to watch. Celli and Andy went off down the hall towards their rooms I guess to do whatever it was big girls did in their spare time. Andy came back a few minutes later with t-shirts for the other boys. She brought Matty and his brothers the shirts they had been wearing with their babyish outfits earlier, and she brought Billy a clean, baby t-shirt, as well.

Danny and I took turns playing on the pinball machine. We had quite a bit of fun. He and I also talked just a little and got to know each other a little better. I decided that he was a pretty nice guy. We played for maybe an hour or so before Maggie stood up from the couch on which she had been sitting.

“Okay,” she said, planting her hands on her hips. “Which one of you boys is stinking up the place?”

Everyone glanced at her for a brief moment, but went back to whatever they were doing without answering her. Even though I was poopy, I didn’t bother answering. I had already gotten into the habit that Billy had taught me of not answering when someone asked the condition of my diapers. I imagine Matty and his brothers did the same thing, since they didn’t answer, either.

Maggie then began to investigate the matter for herself. I guess she could kind of tell where the smell was coming from, because she immediately came over to the pinball machine where Danny and I were.

“Danny, did you pooh-pooh right after you got put in those diapers?” she asked accusatorily. “If you did, I’m not changing you. You’ll just have to wait.”

He kept playing his turn at the machine without saying anything. Maggie got behind him and gave his diapered butt a squish. She then pulled the back of his plastic pants and his thick stack of diapers back and looked down inside them.

“Nope, it’s not you,” she said. Then she looked at me, “I guess that means it’s you, Taddy.”

She came over behind me and reached up to the top of my diapers.

“What are you doing?” I asked, recoiling from her slightly.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” she retorted. “I’m checking your diapers. Now, hold still.”

She put one hand up on my shoulder to keep me from moving, and she pulled back the top of my plastic pants and diapers with the other.

“Yep, you’re full,” she said. “I think you’re ready for a change.”

She turned and began to leave game room.

“I’ll be right back,” she said. “I’ll go get some stuff to change you.”

I was instantly horrified.

“Oh, well, um, can’t you just go get Celli or Andy?” I stammered.

“No,” she said. “Why bother them? I’ll get you taken care of.”

“But, I don’t want you to change me,” I said trying not to sound indignant.

She stopped and turned to face me squarely.

“Who said you had a choice?” she asked, folding her arms in front of her.

I didn’t know what to say. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and stared at us.

“Taddy, she’s allowed to change us,” Billy informed me. “Don’t argue with her, or you’ll get in trouble.”

“Yeah, you don’t want me to spank you, now do you, Taddy?” Maggie asked.

I looked down and shook my head.

“Good boy,” she said patronizingly. “I’ll be right back.”

She went down the hall to the nursery, which was a very short walk, and she returned a minute later with a stack of diapers and changing things. She apparently was familiar with where everything was kept, as she couldn’t have had time to search for anything. She brought the stack of diapering things into the game room and took them over to the center of the room. She laid out a changing pad on the floor pretty much in the center of the room. She knelt down by the changing pad and gave it a pat.

“Come on, little baby,” she told me. “Time to get your stinky diapers changed.”

I blushed horribly. I looked down shamefully and waddled over to her. I got down on the pad in front of her and lay back. I continued to blush as she reached up to my plastic pants and pulled them down. She got the pants off of me and began to unpin my diapers. I just laid back and stared at the ceiling when she finally had me unpinned and exposed for everyone in the room to see. She took out some baby wipes and began cleaning me up. I was very embarrassed, but I did notice that she cleaned my diaper area very tenderly. She got me thoroughly cleaned and then she unfolded the stack of diapers she had brought out. There were three of my new fitted, contour diapers. She had me lift my butt up—something I wasn’t accustomed to—because she wasn’t big enough to lift my butt for me like my other diaper changers. She slid the thick stack of diapers underneath me and I rested my butt on top of it. She thoroughly powdered my diaper area, and then she pulled the first diaper up over my crotch and began to pin it in place. She must have had quite a bit of experience pinning on diapers, as she seemed just as adept at it as Celli and Andy were. Within a few minutes she had the three diapers pinned on me snuggly.

“So, how do you like your new diapers, Taddy?” she asked me as she began pulling a new pair of plastic pants onto my legs. These ones were a soft, translucent plastic.

“Uh huh,” was all I said very quietly.

“Good,” she said. “Because they look so cute on you.”

She got the plastic pants pulled onto me.

“You can get up now, Taddy,” she told me.

“Um, it’s hard for me to get up off the floor by myself,” I explained bashfully. “I need help.”

“Oh, okay,” she replied.

She got up and came over behind me. She bent over and put her hands under my underarms and helped me get up. I then stood there as she lifted my baby t-shirt up and tucked in my plastic pants and made sure they covered my diapers. She then turned me around to face her and bent over to give me a kiss on the cheek. My face and ears burned as I turned a dozen shades of red.

“Such a little cutie butt,” she cooed at me. “You can go back over and play with Danny, now.”

“Um, okay,” I replied. “Um, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, cutie,” she told me.

I turned and headed back over to the pinball machine. Just as I began to walk away I felt and heard Maggie land a hard swat on my diapered butt. I blushed again as I went back to the pinball machine where Danny was. In a minute we were back playing our game of pinball.

“You know,” Danny said quietly a few minutes later. “My sister likes you.”

“She does?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “She doesn’t call just anyone ‘cutie butt’. She doesn’t call your brother that. She doesn’t even call me or Matty that.”

“Oh,” I said.

“So, when are you going to come to school with us?” he asked next

I was glad for the change of subject. We kept playing and chatting for another hour or so before all the adults came up to the game room and told us the Sanders were leaving. The Sanders boys collected their backpacks full of dirty diapers, and everyone headed downstairs. Daddy picked me up and carried me downstairs so I wouldn’t have to walk down the stairs. The whole family escorted the Sanders to the entryway, and we told them goodbye. Little Zachary made the rounds giving everybody a hug, including me. Maggie gave both Billy and I a loving pat on the butt in farewell, and I received another kiss on the cheek. Mrs. Molly gave Billy and I a hug, and we said goodbye to everyone else. They all left and we returned to the den and sat down. Mommy picked me up and sat me in her lap.

“So, did you like your new little friends?” she asked me.

“Yeah, they’re nice,” I said.

“They are,” she said. “The Sanders are very nice people.”

I just nodded agreement.

“You look tired, sweetie,” she said.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“You boys didn’t have a nap, today,” she said. “And we did a lot. You must be exhausted.”

“Yeah,” I repeated.

“Let’s go get you a bath,” she told me. “Billy, come on. It’s bath time for you babies.”

Mommy stood up, picking me up with her. She took Billy’s hand and pulled him off the couch. She took us upstairs and we got our baths a little early tonight. After that we decided to watch a movie as a family. Mommy put us in our night diapers, and for the first time I was put in a new sleeper for the night. Mommy put one of my new, footless sleepers on me. It was blue and red with Bob The Builder embroidered on the chest. I went downstairs and sat in Mommy’s lap as we watched Shrek 2. Billy sat in Daddy’s lap. I don’t remember much of the movie, as I was so sleepy. I fell asleep before it was over, and I don’t even remember being carried up to the nursery and put into my crib for the night.

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